Acting with constant care is embedded in the culture of JVP STEEL, and our values guide us towards a safe, compliant and healthy work environment.
A safe working environment for our employees, partners and clients remains the focus for all projects and operations. We maintain a high level of quality and ensure compliance throughout our organisation.
Safety is part of everything we do. Every hour of every day we operate under conditions that are potentially dangerous if not managed correctly. We believe that safety is a leadership matter and we are all personally responsible for taking care of each other.
To align with the best environmental practices within the industry, we place the utmost importance on complying with applicable regulations and requirements to minimise negative effects on the environment.
We are an ISO 14001 certified organisation and ensure compliance through audits that take place both internally as well as by external bodies.
Our integrated Management system is certified against international standards (ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001, ISO 3834-2, EN 1090-1) and fulfills expectations of our customers regarding quality of products, safety of all interested parties and environmental protection.
We focus on three shared value areas where we through our business can alleviate some of our industry’s and the world’s major sustainability challenges, while at the same time supporting the development of our business.
Furthermore, our efforts stand on a foundation of responsible business practices across all the issues that are most important to JVP and our stakeholders.
We care deeply about our employees. That is why we offer health coverage and endorse healthier living. That is why we constantly work to improve the working conditions at all levels. The Covid-19 pandemic did not disrupt our ambitions, but motivated us further to take care of each other.
We support and play an active role in empowering and promoting women. We have an ambition of endorsing our women employees to move forward and take responsibility on equal terms. Women in JVP are paid equally for the same responsibility and women are represented on all levels of our business.
We recognize that our planet needs affordable and clean energy to survive. At JVP we are a proud supplier to the wind turbine industry and besides playing a role on the supply side we are also working to reduce our own foot prints.